公益社団法人 日本伝熱学会 / The Heat Transfer Society of Japan

What is HTSJ?

What is the Heat Transfer Society of Japan ?

The Heat Transfer Society of Japan (HTSJ) is a unique, nonprofit association in Japan of the people engaged in heat transfer research or in various engineering aspects related to heat transfer. The Society now holds some 1,500 members, widely covering scientists and engineers in various disciplines including mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, air-conditioning and refrigeration, biological/biomedical engineering, food processing, architectual engineering, earth science,etc. The Society never represents any one of such specific disciplines, and it is independent of any other existing organizations in the domain of science and engineering. The Society has served, and continues to serve, as an organization representing Japan in the international heat transfer community. This never means that it accommodates only its members in Japan. Instead, it is ready to accept applications for membership by scientists and engineers in any other country irrespective of their nationalities and of the ethnic groups to which they belong.

Historical Background

The Heat Transfer Society of Japan was established in 1961 as a nationwide voluntary association for the purpose of promoting scientific and technical communications between researchers in various conventional disciplines such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, nuclear engineering etc. and between laboratory researchers and engineers actually facing heat transfer problems. In its long history of energetic activities, the Society had stuck to the status of a voluntary association until October 1994. This is because many of its members cherish its informal atmosphere. In October 1994, however, the Society became one of the authorized corporations officially recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan. This change in status will not imply its transformation into something authoritarian, but promotion of its contribution to wider academic and industrial circles, at the same time making the Society more open to overseas individuals and organizations involved in heat transfer science and engineering, while keeping its time-honored traditions.

Current Activities

(a) Technical meetings :

The Society’s annual meeting, the National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, is held in May. It is now widely appreciated as one of the most lively technical meetings in Japan. Every year the Symposium takes place with more than 500 participants presenting some 300 original papers on heat and mass transfer and other related areas. (In the 32nd Symposium held at Yamaguchi, May 1995, the numbers of participants and papers reached 941 and 432, respectively.) The local branches of the Society often hold educational and/or technical seminars on some selected topics.

(b) Publishing activities :

The Society publishes two journals: Journal of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan and Thermal Science and Engineering. The former is the Society’s newsletter and the latter is devoted to original papers. Meanwhile the issues of both journals are coupled month for month and come out on a quarterly basis.